Sunday 1 April 2007


Mad busy weekend.
Frantic day yesterday with not one but two new models available. All winter I have been painting alone in my frigid barn, working from sketches and photographs, then out of the blue I'm overwhelmed with gorgeousness.
I suddenly got the fear when I realised my ability to paint and hold a conversation at the same time had wilted with the winter gales.
Anyway, the upshot is I have done some more towards Open Studios in May, and the wonderful
models - both debutantes - have agreed to come back for more.
It's a hard old life.


Anonymous said...

It's always nice to see your (ones) friends in a new light!

singinghawk said...

It sound like you lead the traditional artist's life. From the beautiful country side studio to the gorgeous models and the oil paint on canvas with which you paint them. I'm envious!

Great sketch and painting, by the way. I especially like the blue and yellow combination.

Unknown said...

Hey witch, where would I be without your recruitment skills !

......ana, the last few days have been great, but it's been a HARD winter !

The painting is a bit of a quickie, but absolutely the start of something.