Friday 28 September 2007

Dog's life

It's a long time since I had six ohstupidhundred hours starts on the bounce.
If it wasn't for the north easterly gale that's been blowing for three days, the experience would have been more amusing.

The most remarkable part of the early dog walking experience has been the occasional willingness of 'herself' to be included.
Previously blissfully unaware that 0600 even existed, her energetic out-of-bed-knickers-on-in-one-movement dismount is a wonder of fluid motion.

The muttered comment of "I'm not sure I like him that much", is betrayed as a minor porky by the sight of long blonde and short ginger rear end's forging energetically ahead of me through the wind and rain lashed streets.

On a slightly more prosaic note, I cannot recommend the pre-breakfast scooping up of dog ordure into a small plastic bag. Hardly a bowl of porridge has past my lips this week.

Oh well, all in a days work.


Anonymous said...

Jack looks a bundle of fun. I can't believe my sister-in-law gets up at 0600! She must like him if she is prepared to do that. Either that or she has decided she likes you....

(Commence minor grumble)
NOMB but I liked the blog in stark black I thought it had a lot of impact.)
(End minor grumble, prepare for telling off.....)

Unknown said...

Hi Matt, thanks for dropping in.
I think it's the dog mate, can't imagine I'm gaining in popularity !

As regards the appearance, just having a play. I'll be making this skin darker as I figure the customisation out.

I have a lovely Header image, but I can't get it to fit over the existing one !

Unknown said...

On balance Matt, you were right.

Reader power wins!