Wednesday 23 January 2008

New stuff

More than one or two creative things going on at the moment, and as usual when I'm under pressure, the painting is going well.

I always spend the first week or two of the new year plotting/planning/reading/more plotting.
This means when I eventually pick up the old palette, I'm gagging for it.

More than half the ideas on the list for this year will probably never get started, but I feel as though I need to start off with at least the illusion of some sort of plan !

I'm starting to get the feel of a new series of canvases. I'm not really sure if the thread that runs through them will be clothing, lighting, the Chaise or what. These things just evolve with time and productivity.

This piece feels like the first of a good run. We'll see.


Swearing Mother said...

Certainly looks like someone is gagging for it, KP!

Nice work if you can get it.

Unknown said...

I don't know what you are eluding too SM......

Manic Mother Of Five said...

That is sooooooo saucy - I can think of no other way of describing it. What a fox!

Unknown said...

I thought she was suffering from indigestion.....

theblognik said...

In which case, I fear for the gypsy skirt.

Unknown said...

She managed to hold on.....phew.

JorisDR said...
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JorisDR said...

It seems good to pay less attention at lines.
By keeping it vague the colors and shades get more important.
Very good Job!

Unknown said...

Why thank you Jorisdr.